“Golly gosho, Louie!” exclaimed Corky as she shined her flashlight into the now-empty culvert. Her missing front tooth made all her Ss whistle. “You think there are pirates down there?” Pirates… pirates… pirates… echoed back at her from inside the tunnel.
Louie seemed to nod and shake his floppy mutt ears in reply.
“Pirates in Middleton, gosh!” she whispered to herself. She swung the flashlight and was shocked at what she saw in the beam of the flashlight.
On the concrete wall of the culvert scrolled in very old-timey script was a warning. “BE WARNED,” read Corky carefully, remembering what Tina the Tutor taught her about words ending in –ed. “…ALL YE… WHO ENTER… OUR PIRATE LAIR!”
Corky and Louie gasped in fright. Louie whimpered and tucked his curly tail between his legs.
“Gee gosho golly gumps, Louie!” snapped Corky. “Stop being such a scardycat! We need to save those stolen apple bran muffins from those pirates!” Her words were fearless but her voice shook a tiny bit. She swallowed hard and her gulp! echoed in the tunnel. “…Even if we is a-scared!”